Home 01268 414519 / mob 07929 523125

Since 1958
"All roofing matters"
Looking for an experienced contractor to tackle a project? No matter if its a small repair or larger project. Get guaranteed, quality results with Blainey Roofing. We offer professional and reliable contracting services for a wide variety of needs, working with the dedication and craftsmanship that has earned us a reputation for excellence. Get in touch for a free quote today.
(All photos are our own works)

About Us
Blainey Roofing serves as a leading contractor in the Essex, Kent and East London area. We’re a team of experienced professionals, who tackle everything from complex large projects to smaller scale jobs. Fueled by our commitment to excellence, we go the extra mile to make sure clients are completely satisfied with our work. Call us today to schedule a consultation.

Our Services
Since our founding in 1958, we’ve been at the forefront of all the latest products and techniques, offering a wide range of contracting services to handle all our clients needs. Full roof removal and replacement to, Gutter repairs, roof cleaning, Tile and slate repairs. Flat roofs, EPDM, and traditional felt roofing. Ridge removal and replace. Verge repair, chimney stack refurbishment, lead work, flashings and aprons, etc.

Rain Gutter Installation
At Blainey Roofing, our clients are our number one priority and we go the extra mile to make sure they’re completely satisfied. With this service, we’re fully prepared to tackle even the most complex projects and stand by the exceptional quality of our work. Call us today and find out more about what we can do for you.

Roof Replacement
When you’re looking for top quality work, Blainey Roofing is here to help. Our contracting professionals are available to provide a wide range of customizable options, all guaranteed to meet and exceed expectations. Contact us today to learn more about this and our other available services.

Get in touch
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Home 01268 414519 / mob 07929 523125